And Not Get Told To "Fuck Off" Every Few Emails

Are cold emails really worth it?
Yes and no.
If your emails suck ass, no.
If your cold emails are fire as fuck, yes.
By “fire as fuck” I mean your email follows these five things:
It’s short.
It’s personalized.
It’s relevant
It’s valuable
Its ask is clear.
Most people send copy and paste cold pitches -- and they suck ass.
Here’s one of them:
“Hey there,
Hope you are doing well.
We are a Web & App Development Company with a primary focus on based, Website/Mobile App Design & Development.
Do you have an idea for any type of apps? We have intensive experience in creating apps for:
Education Apps
Events Apps
Food& Drink Delivery & Restaurants Apps
Logistics & Accessibility Apps
E-Commerce & M-Commerce Apps
Media & News Magazine Apps
Real Estate Apps
Taxi & Travel Apps
Business Apps (Billing, buying, booking, tracking, Finance)
Lifestyle Apps (Health & Fitness, Dating, Texting, Games, and Music) Etc...
If you are interested in getting a mobile application developed, please let us know your requirements and help us understand what you wish to achieve via app, so that we can analyze the same and provide you the best solution accordingly.
I’ll be awaiting your response
Let me break down why this cold email sucks.
First off, they didn't even say my name. It says "Hey there." No personalization. Not even a name.
After "hoping" I'm doing well, they go right into talking about themselves, what they do and what they offered.
To add salt to the wound, their service is completely irrelevant to my business.
They mention how they can create taxi & travel apps for gods sake.
I make my money from selling a course on how to get booked on podcasts, not creating an app of some sort.
In other words, Devon people didn't know who the fuck he was talking to.
So in todays article, you're going to learn how to now be an idiot like Devon, and instead write cold emails that are so good it's almost criminal not to respond.
And it's a piece of cake. I've made tons of money by sending cold emails to other founders with joint venture pitches.
I've even got people to buy my course through a cold email.
You're gonna discover how to do the same.
Buckle in.
First, I'm going to show you how to absolutely ruin your cold pitches -- this way you know what not to do. Then I'll break down how to effectively do it.
5 Ways To Ruin Your Cold Emails Like An Idiot
One of the most effective ways to succeed is by avoiding being a complete idiot.
This is why I'm going to break down the 5 ways to surely be an idiot with your cold emails and get nowhere.
1 ) Use a stupid subject line
I know, I know...
You hear it all the time.
"The headline! The headline! The headline! It's everything!"
And it is.
Especially in someone's email that is likely filled with endless unopened emails.
We learn best by demonstration, right? So here is a list of horrible subject lines.
"Hey, you don't know me, but..."
"Re: App Development Project"
"Can I have 5 minutes of your time?"
"Important Business Proposal"
"Attention: CEO/Founder"
"Fwd: Our Meeting"
Attention: Important message
These are actual subject lines I've received.
They were the worst in my opinion.
First, none of them are personal. Again, not being personal in your emails is a sure way to be ignored and thrown in the dreaded spam folder.
Also, the subject lines weren't anything new. I've seen them before. Especially the "Attention: Important message"..... It never is.
And anybody who uses "Fwd" or "Re:" in their emails should go jump off a cliff.
It's annoying to every sophisticated business owner, and it puts a bad taste in people's mouths when they open the email just to find out it's a cold pitch.
If your email body does not align with the subject line, you will lose many people.
Always ensure it's aligned.
2) Give Off "Copy And Paste" Energy
We all know it...
When we recieve a message that was copy and pasted.
We can feel it in our bones.
People's bullshit meter is higher than ever these days.
And with where technology is today, human connection is becoming more and more hard to find -- thus, more valuable.
When you copy and paste a message and blast it out to hundreds of people at once, there is no human connection. Especially if these emails are cold.
You have to know who you're talking to, and customize each and every message for that individual or organization.
Do I copy and paste when sending cold emails? Yes, for efficiency.
I copy and paste the main outline, and then I go through each line and customize it to fit the person I'm sending it to like a glove.
I say their names, the name of their company, I highlight certain accomplishments and show them that I know who the hell I'm talking to.
Check the above email and you'll feel the "copy & paste" -- or "lil pitch" energy.
3) Make It A Chore To Read
Picture this:
It's 2:30 in the afternoon.
You're in the hustle and bussle of the day..
Busy as it gets...
When suddenly...
You recieve a cold email...
That is 500+ words long.
What are the chances that you're gonna stop what you're doing to read it? Especially if it's from a stranger?
Do NOT send people a fucking book when sending a cold email.
You turn reading that email into a chore. When you do that, you screw up your chances at getting a response.
My cold emails average 150-180 words (don't worry, I'll show you them) and that's why I get more responses from sending 30 cold emails than most people do sending 300.
4) Make It Difficult To Say "Yes"
Ever had to use pay-pal to buy something, but ended up not finishing the transaction?
Yeah, this happens because PayPal has an annoying and extensive payment process.
It's much easier to enter my information and buy directly on a checkout page.
This is because when you add friction in between "milestones" - reaching the milestone is harder.
Just like not eating donuts is harder when you have to drive all the way to the store to get some.
In the same way, making it difficult to say "yes" in your cold emails will stop you from getting responses.
Look at the email I shared from Devon.
This dude asked me to reply with my "Requirements and help us understand what you wish to achieve via app"
What the fuck dude? What if I don't have a clue about building an app? You expect me to know what the "requirements" are?
You also want me to give a ton of thought energy to responding?
Na bro.
He would have been better off with something like...
"If you'd like, I can send you three-minute video that covers how the process works?"
"If you're interested, we can jump on a call and you can ask any questions to see if this can be good for your business. Would you like me to send a calendar link?"
"If you're interested, I can send you my portfolio of apps I've built. Would that be helpful?"
Something along those lines. You get it.
It's an easier "yes" that doesn't require much thought or time energy to decide.
5) Open The Email Talking About Yourself
If nobody has taken the time to tell you the golden rule of marketing... let me do the honors...
"Nobody gives a shit about you."
Hold on... one more time. Just highlighted this time.
"Nobody gives a shit about you."
When it comes to consuming any content, especially marketing content, people are only consuming it to see what it can do for them.
You're not reading this article because you're obsessed with my life.
No, you're reading this because you are going to get something out of it.
You're looking out for yourself. You always are. Shit, I'm looking out for myself right now by writing this.
It's gonna build my brand, which benefits ME.
So if you open up an email like stupid Devon over here, "We are a Web & App Development Company with a primary focus on based, Website/Mobile App Design & Development." you are sure to get ignored.
You have to earn the right to talk about yourself.
Another Example Of A Crappy Email
Ok... Ok... to really seal the deal on crappy emails, here's another example of a horrible one.
"Subject: Skyrocket Your Business Growth with Revolutionary Funnel Building System
My name is Josh and I am reaching out to introduce you to my revolutionary funnel building system that will skyrocket your business growth to unprecedented levels. Our system is unlike anything you have ever seen before and it's the solution to all your sales problems.
Our revolutionary funnel building system has been designed to be incredibly user-friendly and customizable to suit your unique business needs. With a few clicks, you can create a funnel that will generate massive amounts of revenue and leave your competitors in the dust.
Whether you are a small business owner or a large corporation, our funnel building system can be customized to meet your specific needs. It's an all-in-one solution that will help you to increase your revenue, grow your email list, and convert more leads into sales.
Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your funnel is optimized for maximum conversions. We'll analyze your website traffic and create a customized funnel that will lead your visitors down the path to purchase.
But wait, that's not all! Our funnel building system comes with a free bonus training program that will teach you everything you need to know about funnel building. You'll learn how to create a funnel that will generate massive amounts of revenue and transform your business.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for our revolutionary funnel building system today and watch your business soar to new heights.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
[Your Name]"
Since you know what you know now... there is no point in breaking down why this email sucks ass.
Examples Of Emails That Actually Get Responses
Now that you know how to bomb a cold email and seen an example of some shitty ones.
Let me show you some examples of ones that I've personally used and got results with.
On average, for every 15 emails I send I can get a response. That's damn good for cold email.
After I share them, I will break down why they worked well.
Here is the first one, which I use to lock in affiliate deals with other companies.
Example #1
"Hey Jessica 🙂
I came across your website and I see that you're helping service based business owners grow their businesses with your marketing strategies and coaching.
As a service based entrepreneur myself. I really appreciate the work you're doing.
And after seeing the what seemed to be endless testimonials on your site, I know you're exceptional at what you do.
Which is why I would like to propose a joint venture with you.
I created a course that shows online service providers and experts how to attract high-paying clients and grow their personal brand by getting booked on top podcasts in their niche, without hiring an expensive booking agent.
This process generated just under $220k in my coaching business in 2022.
Since it worked for me and numerous others, I truly believe this course can help your students with client acquisition, especially those without huge marketing budgets and I want to share it with them.
If you're interested, I'd be happy to have you or your team review the course material and even test the process first to vet it.
If you feel like it is relevant and valuable for your clients, we can discuss promoting it and splitting the revenue 50/50 -- making it a true win/win/win all around.
Would you be open to discussing this further or other collaboration ideas? Let me know with a reply back.
Adrian Moreno
Founder Of The Power Pitch Company
PS: Jessica, I'm writing to you because I would like to form a joint venture with you.
I have a course that shows coaches & online service providers how to grow their personal brand and attract high-paying clients by getting booked on top-ranking podcasts every week (without paying for PR) and I want to share it with your clients and split the revenue.
I feel like this complements the work you do. Let's chat?"
Example #2
That above email gets plenty of responses, but if it doesn't get a response on the first try I simply send a follow up email 3 days later.
This one does very well in terms of getting people to respond.
"Hey Jessica
I hope this email finds you well, and not buried under a mountain of unopened emails (we've all been there).
Just wanted to follow up on the email I sent last week.
In case you missed it, I have a short course that shows online service providers and experts how to attract high-paying clients and grow their personal brand by getting booked on top podcasts in their niche (without giving a dime to a PR agency.)
I know it would be a great fit for your clients, especially the ones without huge marketing budgets, and would love to discuss the possibility of sharing this process with them.
Now, I know you're probably thinking, "But wait, I don't even know this guy! Why should I trust him with my clients?" And to that I say, you're absolutely right.
Trust is a two-way street, which is why I want to give you access to this course for free to test it for yourself, and ONLY after you see the results we can chat about what a win-win partnership would look like.
So, if you're interested in learning more about how we can help each other out and see if there's a mutually beneficial partnership to be had, let's chat!
Your friend in success,
PS: As a business owner myself, I understand the importance of building trust with clients and partners. That's why I'm offering you free access to my course to test it out with a few clients before we discuss a potential partnership.
I'm confident that this course will provide real value to your clients and help them grow their businesses. I believe we can work together to create a win-win situation for both of us."
Example #3
And here is the email I sent to authors to get them to buy my course. I only sent 126 of these emails out so far, but I sold 17 courses with it.
And here is the email I sent to authors to get them to buy my course. I only sent 126 of these emails out so far, but I sold 17 courses with it.
That's insanely high for a cold email.
Here it is:
"What's up, Craig!
Congratulations on recently publishing Leadership From The Front Lines.
I decided to check out the reviews of the book and by the quality of them in only a few weeks, it's clear that you put out an exceptional book.
As an avid reader, I wanted to reach out and share something that I think could be really valuable for you.
I recently created a course that shows business & self-help authors like you how to sell a lot of books by getting booked on top podcasts every week - without paying a dime for a PR agency.
I know firsthand how powerful podcast appearances can be for driving sales because I made half a million in my hypnotherapy business through podcast guesting this year.
So I broke down what I did into a step-by-step course that you can replicate and begin getting booked on shows in as little as 24 hours to market and sell your new book.
I believe that leaders worldwide would benefit from your insights and expertise on leadership, including me, and this course could be a great way to get your message out to more of them.
I usually sell this course for $497, but I'd like to offer it to you for only $297 right now.
And if you don't get at least 5 bookings in 30 days I'll pay you back and you get to keep the course.
If you want I can send a link over so you can learn more about it and purchase it (if you choose to)
Would you like a link to check it out?
Founder of The Power Pitch Company.
PS: I'm writing to you because I have a course that will help you sell more copies of Leadership From The Front Lines by showing you how to regularly get booked on podcasts with hundreds of thousands to millions of listeners (potential buyers of your book).
If you'd like me to send a link over that has more information respond to this email."
Why These Cold Emails Work And Get Responses
"Hi Adrian! Thank you so much for reaching out to me. And, I have to tell you your pitch is the best cold pitch I've ever received."
This is a response I got from someone i sent a JV pitch too using the first example.
I even had another founder tell me they didn't respond to my first email because they thought it was a "cold" email.
I mean, technically, it was a cold email.
But it was so damn hot it didn't even feel like it.
There is an art to it.
There is a reason these emails work.
So let me break down why.
The Subject Line Was Personal And Intriguing
As I said before, the subject line is absolutely everything.
If you ruin it, you will bomb every cold email you send.
I tested multiple headlines, and so far these have been the highest performing. And yes, they are so simple that you think they might not work... but they do.
"Is this a stupid idea [first name]?🤔"
The subject line remained the same for both the first email and the follow up because I replied to the same email. I do not create separate emails for follow up, instead I keep it in the same thread.
Winning subject line for email #3: "Quick question [first name]? (about your new book) 🙂"
And that's it.
Those are the subject lines.
Each one is shorter than 8 words so it fits in the subject line fully.
It says their name (personal)
It makes them think, "What's this about?"
And so... they open it.
Feel free to mimic these and play around with it.
The First Part Of The Email Focuses On Them (Not Me)
As you see with all of the emails I shared above, none of them, absolutely none of them start with me talking about myself.
Did you miss that?
Scroll back up and read them again. I opened them entirely talking about the person I was emailing.
I mean shit, I even mentioned the name of Craig's book before I said a thing about myself.
When you focus on them at the start of the email, and are genuine as it gets, you can get them to read the part that matters, the ask.
The Emails Were Shorter Than 200 Words
Our attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter as time goes on.
You have to keep this in mind when sending emails.
Nobody opens their email to read a book. Nobody.
Don't send one.
All of my emails are very short.
Email #1 - 177 words
Email #2 - 188 words
Email #3 - 182 words.
It's easy on the eyes and looks readable.
Ask yourself, "Can this email be read and understood in 30 seconds or less?"
If not, rewrite it.
One simple hack you can do is write your email and then go to ChatGPT and copy and paste the email and add the prompt, "Shorten this email, and make it less than 200 words."
The Emails Were Relevant To Them
Going back to the email Devon sent me.
He didn't know who I was or what I business I was in, if he did, he wouldn't have taken the time to send me an email pitching me on building an app.
Simply put, be relevant.
My emails land because I'm not blasting them out to any email I can get my hands on.
Instead I take my time researching who I'm pitching, learning a bit about what they do and ensuring they have a need for what I offer.
I was hitting people with relevant value.
The Ask Was Short, Clear & Easy
I'm not asking anybody to buy something or make a huge commitment.
I'm simply saying, hey, are you interested?
If so reply back and I'll send a link or we can jump on a short call.
Super simple and very clear asks.
Don't screw this up.
In Conclusion: The Elements Of A Successful Cold Email
This may be redundant now that you've seen good and bad examples and the breakdown behind why they were good and bad.
But I wanted to make sure I closed this out with outlining the elements of a successful cold email.
Mention the name of the person you're pitching in the subject line.
At the start of the email, mention their name and a specific thing that shows you know who they are.
Be genuine in the above two parts.
Be short.
Make the first “yes” easy
There really isn't much to it other than that.
Don't complicate it.
(Related: A Quality Pitch That Bombed And Why)